lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Pictures shot at Casa Decor, while Ford´s B Max presentation. June 2012

About three weeks ago, Ford invited us tothe presentation of its new B MAx, held at Casa Decor 2012. It was a very sunny afternoon and the sun invaded the inside of the building through its balconies, so I took advantage to shoot some pictures that I turned into black and white.

Hace aproximadamente tres semanas, Ford nos invitó a la presentación de su nuevo B Max, celebrado en Casa Decor 2012. Era una tarde muy soleada y el sol entraba a raudales por los balcones del palacio que albergaba la exposición, por lo que aproveché para hacer fotos que viré a blanco y negro.

© Luis Rodríguez. All rights reserved. The material of this site may not be reproduced without the author´s consent. Partial or total reproduction prohibited. 

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