jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

Logroño´s cathedral reflected on a puddle / La catedral de Logroño reflejada en un charco. June 2013. #LaRiojaApetece

Last June, when I went to Logroño invited by La Rioja Turismo to photography the so called "Architecture of wine", I had a few hours free during which I wandered around Logroño, especially in search for puddles, as usual ;-). I was staying just in front of the cathedral, which is really beautiful, and I was lucky enough to find a few small puddles... This photo, which I must admit I love, is one of the pics I shot of the cathedral reflected on a puddle. I hope you like it as much as I do!

En junio pasado, cuando fui invitado a Logroño por La Rioja Turismo a fotografiar "La Arquitectura del vino", tuve unas horas libres que aproveché para dar una vuelta por Logroño en busca de charcos, como siempre ;-). Me hospedaba enfrente de la catedral, la cual es preciosa, y tuve la suerte de encpontrar unos cuantos charcos pequeños... Esta foto, la cual debo admitir que me encanta, es una de las fotos que hice de la catedral reflejada en un charco. ¡Espero que os guste tanto como a mí!

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