Six days ago, I woke up with the surprise of a comment on one of my pics uploaded three days earlier. Egmont, founder of Iphone Arts, a wonderful site about iphoneography, announced me that the photo of "Madrid reflected on a bus passing by" had been selected as a finalist to the "The IPhone Arts - Weekly Showcase".
I would like to thank Egmont for selecting my photo and all the work he´s doing to encourage iPhoneography. It´s a great honor for me to appear on his web.
Hace seis días me levanté con la sorpresa de un comentario en una de mis fotos subidas a IG unos días antes. Egmont, fundador de IPhone Arts, una fantástica web sobre iphoneografía, me anunciaba que la foto de "Madrid reflejada en un autobús que pasaba" había sido seleccionada como finalista de "The IPhone Arts - Weekly Showcase".
Me gustaría agradecerle a Egmont que seleccionara mi foto, y todo el trabajo que está haciendo en favor de la iphoneografía.Es un gran honor para mí aparecer en su web.

Thank you very much Luis for sharing this post on your website and also showcasing the other finalists' photographs, including the Curator's Choice winner.
ResponderEliminarDo keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more of your fine photography.
Warmest regards,